Currently, Akujobi Organization runs three transitional houses that shelter more than 30 homeless men and women. More houses are needed to accommodate more people. Our goal is to provide transitional housing that would shelter 100 homeless individuals or more. Our organization has well trained and experienced staff who have exemplified true professionalism and empathy in the work that they do. We have a Clinical Director, a Nurse Practitioner and professional Counselors who are licensed and certified to provide care. Our administrative staff represent the best in their customer service orientation.
Our hours of operation is 24/7.
Items needed
- Houses – To shelter about 100 homeless individuals, warehouse for storage
- Communication and electronic equipment, including computers
- Furniture/Motor vehicles/Clothing/Medical equipment supplies
- Hand and Machine tools/appliances/hardware
- Vehicles/bus/cars to convey individuals to treatment centers and medical appointments as well as leisure and recreational trips.
- Equipment: Refrigerators, cooking stoves, utensils, Television sets, Radios, phones, computers/laptops, printers, copying paper, lawn mowers,
- Furniture: Couches, dining tables, chairs, shelves, beds, drawers/chests
- Resources: Medical supplies, food supplies, sanitary supplies, cleaning supplies, masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, Cloths, blankets/comforters, Jackets, shoes.